Good Design. Positive Change.
Wheelhouse Collective

Daphne Eck

A minimal identity for a thoughtful and collaborative writer.


A writer’s brand leaves a lasting impression.

Daphne is a brand writer, thinker and content strategist. Her specialty is helping businesses and organizations find their unique voice and connect with their audiences.


Daphne came to us ready to create a brand that truly reflected the way she approaches her work. She needed a logo, a few key identity pieces and a website to set the foundation for her business. Daphne wanted her brand to facilitate connection with clients in both the corporate and nonprofit worlds, and to also resonate with likeminded creative agencies that might want to partner with her.

We’ve partnered with Daphne for many years, so to be asked to collaborate with her on the new brand development was pure joy. Daphne’s professional style is strong yet understated, unique, welcoming and ever attentive to detail. Her carefully honed craft and natural aesthetic inform the work she does for clients, so we knew it would be vital to find a way to reflect that in her branding.


Our overall strategy was to convey Daphne’s strength as a writer, her collaboration skills and creative leadership she provides.

During the information gathering process, we kept noticing Daphne’s passion for found objects in nature and her love for minimalist design. We challenged ourselves to create a similar framework, while still designing a modern and powerful aesthetic.

To do this, we established a light and earthy color palette, and built a refined, custom geometric logotype for her name. We took a micro perspective on the natural shapes found in the letters of her name and created a pattern that Daphne fell in love with and used throughout her branding.

Daphne is very committed to the personalized attention she gives her clients, and we decided that her communication pieces should match the hand-crafted experience she delivers. The letterpress business cards and note cards provided just the right impression to reflect her high standards and customized work.


Her brand reflects the great attention to detail and refinement, establishing Daphne’s extensive experience, her commitment to the craft of writing and the insightful way she works. 


brand strategy, logo, identity


Creative Direction & Design: Cathy Solarana
Strategy: Daphne Eck