Good Design. Positive Change.
Wheelhouse Collective

30 days of love encore

Our 30-day challenge that gets people thinking about and spreading love beyond Valentine’s day.

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Another year, another opportunity to challenge ourselves to up the love.

On Valentine’s Day in 2018, we launched 30 Days of Love, a campaign that encouraged people to perform small, yet meaningful, acts of kindness toward their fellow humans for a full 30 days. Each day, the 30 Days of Love calendar would make a couple of suggestions on what could be done to infuse a little joy into the world. The response was fantastic! People who received our calendar did things like baked cookies for their neighbors, treated friends to lunches, greeted strangers with courtesy and got involved in their communities. Love was making a comeback and people were fully onboard


Once the 30 days of the campaign were over, we had the weighty question of, “Now what?” looming over us. We didn’t want the gestures of love to be nothing more than a cool creative execution — a one-time thing that would become a fond memory. How could we build on the momentum of small acts and voluntary participation? We wanted the love for this challenge and the participation to remain strong.


We knew that the daily deeds suggestions were a hit, so we wanted to design a 2019 calendar with a fresh look and new relevant, meaningful and, more importantly, doable suggestions. The suggestions were based on what was happening in the world and different ways we could collectively inject positivity into the everyday. We even added new suggestions on our Instagram feed as we were trying to understand and unpack the latest news of violence and injustice happening. This time around, we created short animated videos that were posted on our Instagram feed and included a teaser to kick off the campaign. The response was tremendous. People were genuinely excited to receive the new calendars and document their actions and tagging us with our hasthtag L30ve. It was the best reminder that love trumps hate.


Even in year 2, the reactions of those who received our calendars filled our hearts. We got emails and texts that proved this love idea was worth the little time and effort to implement. We also got requests for the calendar from people who saw it on social media. We even got a couple of lunch invites on the day it was suggested to treat a friend you hadn’t seen in a while to lunch. It was such a fun and unusual campaign that our Instagram page is still getting new followers almost every day.


research, brand strategy, logo design, identity, copywriting, campaign strategy, design, digital advertising


Strategy, Creative Direction & Design: Cathy Solarana
Strategy & Copywriting: Neveen Hegab
Animation: Brian Wetjen